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Children's Liturgy - Registration

已发布 : Aug-03-2022

ONLINE FORM: https://forms.gle/qtbEuJsjqyKFhmgC7 

Children's Liturgy of the Word is a program for children aged 3-7 which features prayers and the Gospel reading tailored for young children’s understanding and attention.   We will begin the program on Sunday, September 18, 2022 at the 9:30am Mass.  The program’s aim is to make the Liturgy of the Word accessible to young children and make their experience of the Mass as meaningful and understandable as possible.  Children will be invited to the Parish Hall during the beginning of Mass and will return at the Prayers of the Faithful.

This year, we shall be combining Children’s Liturgy with the previous Little Lambs program as a single program for all children to enjoy and grow.

At this time, we would kindly ask any interested parents or guardians to complete the online registration form at the following link: https://forms.gle/qtbEuJsjqyKFhmgC7

We are also looking for enthusiastic and interested volunteers to help us with the Children’s Liturgy program.  Please contact Melissa Shek (melissa_shek@yahoo.ca) and Julie Tai (littlelambs.stedward@gmail.com) for more information.  As this Ministry interacts with children, all volunteers shall be screened.